Crystal Warriors Game Gear
Crystal Warriors is a strategy video game developed and published by Sega for the Sega Game Gear in Japan in 1991 and in Europe and North America in 1992. It was also released for Virtual Console in 2013. A Japan-only sequel Royal Stone was published in 1995.
The gameplay of Crystal Warriors is similar to both the Fire Emblem and Shining Force series. The player forms a party of up to nine units to fight in each level. The player starts on one side of the map and an enemy force of up to nine units occupies a castle on the opposite side.
Crystal Warriors Game Gear
Each level has terrain features which form bottlenecks or change the speed of units. Players controls specialized units belonging to a particular elemental group and most of the strategy revolves around the element of a given unit, its speciality and positioning. Each element is weak to one and strong versus another in a rock-paper-scissors system. Fire elemental units are strong against wind elemental units, while wind units are strong against water, and in turn water units are strong against fire.
Earth-based units have no particular strengths or weaknesses to other elements. However, with the exception of the Princess(s) and Emperor Jyn the Earth-based units are all mages or healers and have a low base defence. Making them vulnerable to combat units, unless they reach level 9 in which case they become the strongest unit in the game.
Another great retro game available at Escapist Gamer – Desert Strike (Game Gear)